Psilocybin Mushrooms

Around the world, special research institutes are paving the way toward cutting-edge psychedelic research and therapies. The most commonly studied hallucinogen is psilocybin—which is naturally found in magic mushrooms.

The safety and wide-ranging benefits of psilocybin have made it the star psychedelic. Yet, research organizations are taking a good look at many different types of hallucinogenic compounds.

No matter which psychedelic each institute is studying, they all have one common goal—to figure out how to improve mental health with psychedelics.

If you want to learn about different organizations involved with psychedelic research and their accomplishments, then continue reading below.

Heffter Research Institute

Founded in 1993, the Heffter Research Institute is one of the pioneers of psilocybin research. Created by David E Nichols, the institute also has a handful of co-founders, including the famous psychonaut Dennis McKenna.

Overall, the Heffter Research Institute promotes and funds magic mushroom research.

Magic Mushroom Studies on Spirituality and Depression

One of the most crucial psilocybin studies was sponsored by the Heffter Research Institute and took place at Johns Hopkins University.

In 2006, the study found that psilocybin could create a mystical (or religious) experience that had a lasting positive impact on the participants’ lives.

More studies were launched from this one with the idea of helping cancer patients with advanced-stage cancer. A pilot study was launched in 2011 and found that these cancer patients had less anxiety and depression about their situation after a mystical psilocybin experience.

Another study in 2016 found similar results among patients with life-threatening cancer. Amazingly, this experiment also found that 80% of the participants had less anxiety and depression 6 months after their psilocybin experience.

Magic Mushroom Addiction Research

The Heffter Research Institute has also been interested in breaking addictions by using psilocybin. So far, there have been a few small-scale studies to see if psilocybin can help people break free from smoking and alcohol dependence.

The first study on nicotine addiction took place in 2014 with 15 participants. The test subjects were given therapy over two months and two psilocybin sessions.

The researchers checked in with the participants after 6-months and found that 80% of the participants hadn’t smoked during the entire 6-month period.

Then, a similar study was performed in 2015 on alcohol addiction. The researchers found that psilocybin therapy helped decrease alcohol cravings and increased participants’ abstinence.

Johns Hopkins University and Magic Mushroom Therapy

Johns Hopkins University is one of the most prestigious research institutes in the world. That’s why it’s exciting that in 2019 Johns Hopkins opened the Center for Psychedelic & Consciousness Research.

Johns Hopkins will produce cutting-edge research in magic mushroom therapy with this new psychedelic wing. After all, the best minds in psychiatry will be working at the facility.

However, the department is using funds from the Heffter Research Institute, which is why they aren’t listed as their own organization.

You can find information from the institute through newsletters or even participate in a study from a recruitment drive.

Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)

One organization that is a leader in psychedelic studies and education is MAPS. Founded in 1986, MAPS is focused on funding, designing, and navigating the complex legality of psychedelic research.

Headquartered in San Jose, California, MAPS works with government agencies and institutions globally.

MAPS started out with a focus on challenging the DEA on the legality of MDMA in the 1980s. Now, they’ve grown into a powerful organization to help researchers with studies on MDMA, psilocybin, LSD, cannabis, ibogaine, and more.

MAPS Magic Mushroom Research

MAPS doesn’t conduct research themselves but provides funding and guidance to researchers. However, that means they’re an essential part of the entire process.

For example, ongoing studies like Usona Institute’s psilocybin clinical trial is sponsored by MAPS. The clinical trial is underway and investigates whether psilocybin can help people with major depressive disorder (MDD).

In 1962, Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert conducted a famous experiment called the Good Friday Experiment. It was one of the first psychedelic studies ever performed and showed the potential of magic mushrooms decades ago.

In 1991, MAPS founder Rick Doblin performed a follow-up to this experiment to see if the experiment still had an effect after all these years. Indeed, he found that most participants had lifelong positive changes following the Good Friday Experiment.

Zendo Project

MAPS also sponsors a program called the Zendo Project. The Zendo Project was launched to provide harm reduction services and information.

That means that they’re trying to provide awareness and education to the public about safe psychedelic use. They provide manuals and training to those who will use psychedelics outside of clinical or professional use.

You can find valuable information at the Zendo Project on preparing yourself and others for a psychedelic journey.

Imperial College London – Centre for Psychedelic Research

Imperial College London houses the Centre for Psychedelic Research, a psychedelic powerhouse in the UK. Led by Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris, the college has produced some incredible research.

Their objective is to use psychedelics to improve mental health care and to figure out how human consciousness works.

So far, the college has produced exciting magic mushroom research. The most groundbreaking of which was a 2016 paper that showed how psilocybin could help people with severe depression.

More Research for a More Psychedelic Future

Of course, these aren’t the only institutes that exist, but overall there are only a handful. These small yet dedicated groups of people are pushing hard for a future that includes the benefits of psychedelics.

The stigma surrounding psychedelics is beginning to fade through their research and education. After all, a poll from the Psychedelic Association of Canada has shown that 82% of Canadians support psilocybin-assisted therapy.

It seems like it’s only a matter of time before psilocybin becomes a part of Canada’s future. Until then, the best way to get psilocybin is through magic mushrooms.

The easiest and safest way to do so is through Get Magic Mushrooms. Get Magic Mushrooms has the best magic mushrooms for sale online in Canada.

That’s because they’re sourced from licensed Canadian growers, safely packaged, and sent straight to your door. Choose from a wide variety of products and find the best dried magic mushrooms, edibles, and microdoses.

Don’t hesitate and head over to Get Magic Mushrooms to find the right magic mushroom product for you.

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January 2025
