Psilocybin Mushrooms

Magic Mushrooms Strains and Which Are Best for Therapy

You might assume from the way the term “magic mushrooms” is used in some areas that it only applies to one particular type of hallucinogenic mushroom. Contrary to popular belief, the world of psychedelic fungi is actually incredibly diverse.

The number of distinct psychedelic mushroom species is currently estimated to be over 180. They primarily come from the genus Psilocybe (117 species) and naturally contain significant levels of the tryptamine alkaloids psilocybin and psilocin, which, when consumed in large doses, can cause strong subjective psychedelic experiences in people.

Let’s cover 5 of the most popular strains of psilocybin shrooms used today.

Psilocybe cubensis

Psilocybe cubensis is the classic psychedelic mushroom. It’s one of the most straightforward types of hallucinogenic mushrooms to cultivate indoors, but unlike other members of the Psilocybe genus, it loves to grow on well-manured earth or animal dung. P. cubensis has become the most widely used psychedelic mushroom, and as a result, farmers all around the world are now cultivating the species indoors, far from its original home in the tropics.

This strain is moderately potent and contains approximately 0.63 percent psilocybin and 0.6 percent psilocin.

Golden Teacher

One of the most popular psychedelic mushroom strains is called Golden Teacher. Their exquisitely plump, silky-smooth caps emit a burnt-orange hue that dwindles into a somewhat paler, rather girthy stem. This strain is ideal for the inexperienced psychonaut because it has a medium level of potency and scales at 0.63% psilocybin, 0.60% psilocin, and 0.25% baeocystin. It also has a trip duration of 2-4 hours, which is shorter than usual. 

By instilling reassuring sentiments of heart-centred warmth and compassion, Golden Teachers lay down a tangible sense of ancient intelligence that they claim to be famous for. Their experiences frequently include a feeling of educational clarity that strikes the ideal balance between consciousness expansion and joyful enjoyment.

Penis Envy

We would anticipate a lot of introspective intricacy from these mushrooms given their moniker, “Penis Envy,” and happily, this strain does not let us down. Its thick stem and bulbous, undeveloped crown contain an unusually high amount of psilocybin and psilocin.

These blue-bruised, dark-toned mushrooms require intense degrees of cultivation care due to their stringent requirement for lengthier maturation times, which makes people envious of these infamously difficult-to-find mushrooms. The psychedelic experience you have, however, will surely parallel the mushroom’s 50% rise in psychoactive concentrations if you can manage to get your hands on this highly sought-after strain.

You’ll experience the typical effects of synesthesia, euphoria, and twisted time, but some reports even equate the more intense effects of this strain to those of LSD and DMT. However, there is debate about this. Therefore, we advise taking it easy when it comes to dose; starting low and increasing it gradually is always the best course of action.

Blue Meanie

It is impossible to ignore Panaeolus Copelandia Cyanescens, sometimes known as “Blue Meanies.” This strain’s tremendous potency results in strong visual and auditory stimulations that mellow off over the course of the entire experience. 

These bare-striped mushrooms are no strangers to the psychedelic shenanigans of our contemporary civilization and nourish their human counterparts with an electric vigour of wide-ranging awareness. These blue-staining mushrooms, which are native to neotropical regions like Africa and the Caribbean, are up to three times more active than psilocybe cubensis and deliver an average of 2.5% psilocybin and 1.2% psilocin.

Flying Saucers

Psilocybe azurescens (aka flying saucers), which typically contains roughly 1.8 percent psilocybin and 0.4 percent psilocin, is often recognized as the most potent wild mushroom to have been identified to date. Baeocystin, a homolog of psilocybin and another tryptamine alkaloid, is also present in high concentrations in this strain. 

The term “Azurescens” relates to the blue bruising that appears on the mushroom stem when it is handled, but because of their large, flattened mushroom caps, they are also frequently called “Flying Saucers.”

There are some instances of P. azurescens users having temporary paralysis after using heavy quantities of this shroom, perhaps because of the huge number of tryptamine alkaloids it contains. But because of their tremendous potency, people who want to experiment with microdosing frequently choose these mushrooms.

There is a variety of psilocybin shrooms to choose from, based on the trip or experience you wish to have. We recommend doing the appropriate research to see which strain is best suited to your needs, and then you can check out our long list of shrooms and edibles here

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February 2025
