Psilocybin Mushrooms

You might have heard a rumour going around about shrooms being legal in Michigan, and you want to check the facts. Is it true? Are shrooms legal in Michigan? Read on to learn why there is both some truth and some falsehood to the shroom legalization rumour and why the prospect of legalization of psilocybin is so exciting. 

Psilocybin Laws Progress Towards Decriminalization

Over the past couple of years, great strides have been made toward decriminalization of shrooms in the United States. In May 2019, Denver, Colorado, became the first city to decriminalize psilocybin in the country. Since then, Oakland, Santa Cruz, Ann Arbor, Washington D.C., Somerville, and Cambridge have all decriminalized psychedelic mushrooms.  

Furthermore, in November 2020, Oregon became the first state to not only decriminalize psilocybin – as well as all other drugs in small amounts – but also to legalize psilocybin therapy, including creating a regulated system for the production and distribution of psilocybin inside Oregon. Other states, such as Florida and Connecticut, are following in Oregon’s footsteps and attempting to pass laws that would legalize psilocybin therapy for mental health conditions.  

The newest addition to this ever-growing snowball of psilocybin decriminalization is Detroit, Michigan. In November 2021, 61% of voters in Detroit cast their ballots to decriminalize all entheogenic plants and fungi, which are organisms with psychoactive properties that have traditionally been used in spiritual and ritualistic contexts. Essentially, what this decriminalization means is that – although still not legal – the possession and use of entheogens by adults in the city of Detroit is no longer a matter of much concern for law enforcement. Specifically, through Proposal E, Detroit residents voted to:

“decriminalize to the fullest extent permitted under Michigan law the personal possession and therapeutic use of Entheogenic Plants by adults and make the personal possession and therapeutic use of Entheogenic Plants by adults the city’s lowest law-enforcement priority.”

Michigan’s senators Jeff Irwin and Adam Hollier recently introduced a bill to decriminalize entheogens statewide. Irwin has long been a supporter of decriminalizing entheogens:

“When you look at these entheogenic substances, they are not causing problems in our communities. By and large, they are the types of substances that have medicinal value, and a long history of cultural and religious significance. And they have a very low propensity for abuse. And so, for all those reasons, it makes perfect sense to stop wasting time and money arresting and prosecuting people for using.”

Although decriminalization of shrooms is not the same as the legalization of shrooms, it is one step closer, and for a lot of people struggling with chronic mental or physical health concerns or frustrated with endless treatments that don’t seem to work, the risk of getting caught – especially now that shrooms have been decriminalized – doesn’t outweigh the possibility of healing or finding peace through psychedelic therapy. 

Psilocybin Therapy Gains Momentum

If you only associate shrooms with wild college parties, you might be wondering why people are pushing so hard for shroom legalization. In other words, “It was fun, but what’s the fuss?” Although many people use magic mushrooms recreationally, that purpose does not even begin to scratch the surface of the value and applications of psilocybin.

Benefits of Psilocybin Therapy

Psilocybin has already been proven effective in treating alcohol and tobacco dependence, treatment-resistant depression, and end-of-life distress in people with terminal cancer. Furthermore, Johns Hopkins’ Centre for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research plans on evaluating the effectiveness of psilocybin in treating a wide range of other health conditions, such as opioid addiction, Alzheimer’s disease, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, anorexia nervosa, and alcohol use in people with major depression. Additionally, the therapeutic potential of psilocybin is being explored to treat a host of other health conditions, including different anxiety disorders, suicidality, chronic pain, cluster headaches, epilepsy, and inflammation.

Not only is research on psilocybin showing very promising results in regard to treating a wide range of health conditions, but in many cases, all that is needed is one or two doses! Furthermore, psilocybin is innocuous. Aside from possibly causing users to feel a bit of nausea at the moment of ingesting the mushrooms, it doesn’t cause any physical harm. Considering the damage that long-term pharmacological treatments can cause in our bodies, the safety of psilocybin treatments is a significant advantage.

If we are able to get past the lingering stigma surrounding magic mushrooms, we can appreciate the news of decriminalization for what it is: a step closer to shroom legalization and the subsequent explosion of research and the therapeutic uses that will come with a greater understanding of psilocybin. To learn more about psilocybin therapy, visit our recent blog post, “Psilocybin: A Promising New Treatment for Depression.” 

Where Can You Buy Shrooms?

Are you ready to experience the benefits of psilocybin first-hand? If you are looking to buy some shrooms in Canada, look no further! Our shrooms dispensary has the best options on the market. Don’t wait any longer! Browse our psilocybin products today.


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February 2025
